Category Archives: Great British Sewing Bee

Hey, Look Who Stopped by My Stand Today

Day Three at the Fashion and Embroidery Show Birmingham and I’m getting ready for the show to open when guess who stopped by for a quick demo.

I looked up and Stuart from the first series of The Great British Sewing Bee was in front of me.

We had a quick chat and he came on to my stand for a quick photo before he was off back to his stand.

Thanks Stuart for stopping by, it was good to meet.

Fashion and embroidery show at the NEC Birmingham

PFirst and second day over and very successful. Carolyn and I have this whole setting up the stand down to a fine art. She gives me a time allowance to get it done and we go for it before she’s bored and looking at me in only that way a best friend can tell you your flaffing around.

At this show we have white back boards and they really show my work off in a great way. If your lost for something to do over the weekend come along to the show. It’s fab with loads of lovely goodies to get your creativity going. If you make it remember to drop by my stand and have a natter