York Eye and Ocean Mermaid Doll

It’s been a while because i have been on my Easter holidays and have been walked off my feet round my favourite town, York.
Robert and I drove up for a quick visit and the weather was very kind to us. We had dry walking weather all weekend while it rained down at home. We stayed in our favourite hotel, The Royal York and had the added excitement of the York Eye being relocated to the hotels rather large ornate garden, SO it was one of those things you just had to fit in.

I hated it and now know that I will not be going on the London Eye which is much larger and taller than the York Eye. My best mate Carolyn will have to go on the London Eye as her 50th birthday treat with her daughter as I am a coward and can’t face it.

The shops were great to wonder round and of course I had to do some shopping. Who wouldn’t.

We hit home yesterday at tea time and I went straight in to finishing the Ocean mermaid doll needed for a class at Tudor Rose Patchwork shop in 6 weeks time. I was quite pleased with the result and have started a pink version too. I’m not a doll maker by nature but do really enjoy experimenting with a simple doll shape and embellishing to my hearts content. It works for me and that’s all that counts

Ocean mermaid doll Workshop at
Saturday 19th April 2012 10am-4pm