Annual Camping Holiday in Norfolk

Yes it’s that time of the year again and thankfully the weather has changed. This time last week I was all for cancelling the holiday as I’m I fine weather camper and having been caught in floods the previous week I was in no mood for a repeat.

However the weather is scorching and the camp site idyllic placed in between the Norfolk forestry commission and I’m absolutely enjoying the fresh air, no phones or computers and really good company. Next week it’s back to prepping for The Festival of Quilts and beginning to organise for Alley Pally Brut for now I’m staying chilled and under the shade of a large tree with a glass of wine and a good book in my hands. Bye for now and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.

Must just add. I’m camping with my daughter and her other half, my son and my god son.

Where is my husband? Well he certainly isn’t here. He stayed at home to run our family business because camping doesn’t have five stars and a swish bistro attached to it. In his words “he doesn’t do camping”

He just doesn’t know what he is missing.