Category Archives: Scrap Organza

Organza scrap flower vessels

Organza scrap flower vessels are great to make. They are based on an old idea brought up to present date. I get a lot of small scraps generated from what i do and i love that they can all be used and not chucked away. Once the vessel is dry and set hard i have decorated it with beading and bead dangles before machining flowers onto  organza and cutting them out using a soldering iron to seal and neaten their edges. They are ideal for putting scented petals in and dried flower arrangements.
This one was made for a very dear friend of mine and she nearly didn’t get it as i was so taken with it.

I love Orange and so i have quite a bit of scrap orange which as you can see i really enjoyed using. My other best friend and work mate Carolyn will hate the colours as she cringes when i work in orange. This makes me smile every time i have a orange urge and so i have called this vessel “Carolyn’s Delight” as i am delighted with it and Carolyn will cringe and not be delighted Ha ha